Marc Corcoran, Run Coach : Our Health is the Priority

Marc Corcoran, Run Coach : Our Health is the Priority

Briefly tell us about yourself

Since I work at the Sports Experts at the University Laval Sports Centre, the PEPS, I’ve found myself without a job. Laval University has closed the campus and its sporting facilities, the PEPS. The activities of the running club have been suspended until May 1st. I’m competing in Master 3 (65-69) Qc top 5, Canada top 10.

What were your original objectives this spring (key races/PBs)?

Since the sporting calendar for spring has been cancelled or postponed, my own training programme has been modified. I’ve done this by substituting a reduced programme aimed at maintaining what I’ve already achieved, and postponing this autumn’s objectives, bearing in mind the current situation and the gradual resumption of the calendar.

How has your current training been affected (no access to pool/gym/no friends to run with)?

With the public health restrictions, you can no longer train in a group or frequent busy locations. Since I live on the south bank, I can run with a friend in areas where it’s easy to move around while respecting the 2m distance between us and others.

How did that affect your motivation?

This pandemic is an exceptional situation. The impacts are enormous and my health is the priority. I have adapted to this confinement. There have been changes in the  lifestyle I share with my wife (who has retired) but we are OK with it.

How have you restructured your race season?

With my running group, the Laval and Lévis University club, Peps, the season is on pause; we’ve reduced the volume and intensity aiming to maintain skill levels until we can resume our activities and confirm new dates.

How have you adapted your training?

 We keep in contact over Facebook, Messenger and email in order to reply to members’ questions and suggest training adapted to their needs.

Most important of all, how are you staying motivated?

I am able to maintain a good level of motivation to adapt to the current situation by means of discussions over the social media and by phone. I can also arrange to meet one or two friends for training in my neighbourhood while respecting the 2m social distancing.

Bonus question: any new hobbies you have picked up with all this extra time at home?

Yes, I can train on my stationary bicycle. Through the web and Facebook groups I’ve also discovered different types of training: strength exercises, stretching, yoga, etc.


Marc Corcoran on Facebook

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