Simple and delicious: xact nutrition on the ride

Simple and delicious: xact nutrition on the ride

By Stephanie Tapp, PEPPERMINT Cycling Team.

2018 was a year of rediscovery and learning as far as sports were concerned. As a brand new member of PEPPERMINT Cycling Team, I was stoked to be part of a positive and inspiring movement, a team based on fun, simplicity and camaraderie. It meant   competing in my first road races. Yikes! Quite the challenge! It gave me the chance  to rediscover mountain biking and trail running too. I’m far from elite athlete status, but I get a kick training to the best of my ability and giving it my best shot performance-wise.




It was PEPPERMINT Team’s first year partnering with XACT, whose products I hadn’t come across before. XACT ENERGY fruit bars are made from real fruit, and are an ideal way to get a healthy, natural energy boost during exercise. They’re made from simple, tasty, and all-natural ingredients. These energy fruit bars are easy to eat even during effort (like on your bike or during a run). You know that feeling, when you’re riding hard and you feel that intense joy, even if it can be hard work. Some folks call it being in the the zone. Those small fruity bars (especially the blackcurrant ones that are my favorites), eaten very 30-45 minutes or so, let me enjoy those awesome moments longer. They fuel my muscles and allow my mind to stay on the game 100% and get more out of my time on the bike, sometimes for hours even! XACT also make  bars for recovery (just love that choc XACT PROTEIN wafer that tastes awesome!) that give my body the best chance to recover well and quickly, and get to my next training / fun ride in top shape.

Alongside the brand name XACT, is the hashtag #fuelyourgoals. YOUR goals. It has been a challenge for me, because regardless of your level of sport and your personal goals, your body deserves to be well nourished and supported before, during and after training. XACT's products are exactly what you need! It may sound salesy, but I'm sold!Having experienced a bunch of unpleasant injuries in the last couple of years, I now put  even greater importance to the quality (and not the quantity) of my workouts, diet and recovery. What I was most happy with this year was the realisation of just how important it is to keep the flame and the passion for your favourite sport alive and have fun doing it… that way you’ll have the desire as well as the physical and mental energy to invest fully and give it your best shot. I had the incredible opportunity to be part of a team that is all about the pleasure as well as performance. And puts personal progress  before podiums and timed results.

 Just as sport nourishes my soul, XACT products nourish my body to continue to enjoy it! Looking forward to seeing you on the trails or on the road!

Follow us @peppermintcyclingteam #breakthepattern


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