Dancing in the Alps For trail running racing, the equivalent of the World Cup of the competitive side of the sport is taking place right now… The Ultra Trail of Mont Blanc… the championship event in...
JOAN ROCH, ULTRA COMMUTER, JOINS THE XACT NUTRITION AMBASSADOR TEAM For those of you who do not know Joan Roch, around here he’s known for his less than orthodox approach to training and running and pretty much questioning the first...
TRAIL DES NEIGES, ORFORD (QC) AND SKIMOEAST.COM LAUNCHES This weekend saw the 5th edition of the Trail des Neiges, a true celebration of winter sports organized by the hardened professionals of adventure racing, Endurance Aventure, Orford, QC, Canada.
2015 SNOWSHOE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS Sarah Bergeron-Larouche, elite athlete at XACT & Salomon Flight Crew, became the 2015 snowshoe world champion at the ISSF Snowshoe World Championships held during the first weekend of competition at the...
XACT NUTRITION HITS TORONTO Whether you’re looking for a boost in your endurance, performance or recovery, a new nutrition bar has hit the market for high performance endurance athletes. Originating in Quebec two years...